
The Ninth Blog Of Trig - Distr-Inter-Actions

We are all so wrapped up in our daily lives that we rarely stop to investigate it all. We accept the definitions and explanations provided to us without question, and this acceptance accompanied by familiarity breeds contempt and complacency.

I often try to visualise everything through the mind I had before I learnt language, inevitably taking me back into the experience of a person that was still trying to establish spacial awareness. As a mobile being this is mandatory, or we would bounce off walls like flies off a light bulb. And we do, for a short while.

Before I learned to discern between a small, close object and a large, distant object, my perception of the world must have been very pure. I would have initially had no technical distinction between what we call 'objects', with growing familiarity giving rise to what could almost be described as contempt for the familiar; 'I know this'.

The initial influx of senses into an untainted mind must be amazing. Imagine opening your eyes for the first time to see the world without any definition of it. Un-named colours, shapes, lights, shadows, hots, colds, all these and everything in between, with no description except that moment as you perceive it. Trees stop being 'trees' and return to their amazing fractal forms, without familiarity and description. The earth becomes another fractal, with infinite complexity and repetition at magnification. The beauty of the Earth reveals itself to you, and you are amazed, until you are told that it is nothing, that the important things in life are ideas made by man. You fight this, you scream, shout, but you are lucky if all you get in response is a smack on the bum.

"Ignore your amazement at this amazing experience that has been thrust upon you. Listen to us and learn these words and forget about experiencing this amazing life in its purity. There is no profit there...we'll tell you about 'profit' later, when we have conditioned this fascination with the world out of you completely, and you have gotten over the shock and settled into a comfortable state of placid acceptance."

We occasionally glimpse fleeting moments of the beauty that we have been distracted from. This is sometimes when the sun shines, when we are at leisure to relax and enjoy it. The brilliant beams of light bounce off of the world and hit us with such force we have to squint and hide until we have accustomed to it again. We breathe deeply and smile and look, absorping every moment of, well, the moment we are in, which of course, if you have read any of my writing, or any of the writing of the many people who have influenced me, is all that really exists.

That's all for now. Writing this is distracting me from the beauty of experiencing this moment : )

This is "The Ninth Blog Of Trig", signing off.

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