
The Fifth Blog of Trig - I Am So Lucky

I am so lucky.

I have a loving supportive family.

I have had a good education.

I was brought up in a nice area of London, one of the richest cities in the world, with friends as lucky as myself, who believe in the same basic principles as I do.

If I cannot afford to eat I will be fed.

If I cannot afford a roof I will be taken in.

If I am sad I will be hugged.

If I am cold I will be clothed.

I have all this, and still it is a struggle to make ends meet, but I am fine, there are people who have had none of these things. We try to help these people, for the sake of Empathy, humanity, for the future of society and the benefit of mankind as a whole.

We provide money for those who have nothing to eat.

We provide housing for those who have no home.

We provide councilling for those who have no-one to hug.

We provide healthcare for those who cannot afford it.

We provide psychiatric care for those who need it.

We provide care for the elderly.

We support those who have no support.

These services help to create a situation where there are less people in need of our help, as they are able to help themselves. This is what 'social services' should be, assisting people in learning how to live their lives, in harmony with others, encouraging them, with the justifications of Empathy and logic, to abandon their ego, abandon their pride, and live with each other; FOR each other; for the sake of themselves and for the sake of humanity.

Our governments are currently systematically removing this support from the most vulnerable people in society. They are not stupid, they know what effect this will have on us all:

The poor will become poorer.

Deprived areas will become more deprived.

Ignorace and associated racism and classism will rise as the media subtly blames immigrants for taking jobs and foreign (very much controlled) issues for rising costs.

Crime will rise as a result of youth deprivation, mainstream media education and a lack of responsible supervision and activities for young people.

Insurance rates of the rich will rise due to rising crime, who blame the poor for their 'laziness' and aggressiveness, their opinions shaped by the violence on their TV sets, which does nothing to educate the rich on the causes of crime and violence.

The class gap between the rich and poor develops further, and one blames the other for their misfortunes.

The condemnation by the media of the angry disillusioned poor is echoed in the voices of the ignorant apathetic rich, who sit in their comfy sofas exercising ethical hypocrisy daily between their family and work personas, making decisions which contribute to the degradation of the society they try so hard to prepare their children for financially.

People often point out that I have got it easy, that some people are born with much less, so I shouldn't complain so much. What they fail to realise is that I am not complaining about MY situation. I am one of the lucky ones, and I recognise this every day. This is the reason I am able to complain, because I am lucky enough to have the leisure in my life to look into the lives of others and empathise with situations other than my own. I am lucky enough to not have to worry about where I will get food if I can't find work.

I am so lucky. I try to speak on behalf of those who are not.

This is "The Fifth Blog Of Trig", signing off.

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