
The Third Blog Of Trig - A Common Philosophy

Okay, blog number three...'three'...'three'...where do I go with 'three'..?

'Three's a crowd'...'crowd'...'people'...'life'...'philosophy'...I'm off! Here we go!

Differences in philosophy are a major, dominant factor in the wars of humans. Of course, common philosophies do bring pockets of people together in agreement to some degree, but ultimately the petty differences between the different world religions/cults/beliefs can lead single minded egotistical humans to become very angry, to the point where they will hurt, maim, rape, kill each other to punish the other for not agreeing, or to simply rid them from this Earth. I don't think it is unreasonable to say that this is the most devisive issue in the world today. Where does it stem from?

More often than not in this world, people neglect their enquiry into the nature or purpose of their existence and latch onto someone else's explanation or conclusion, or else they simply abandon their enquiry altogether and chase material or physical pleasures. The late preacher-teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti famously said, "truth is a pathless land." By this he meant that each individual can only find truth, god, enlightenment, peace, through their own path, that as individuals we inevitably all tread different paths, so to all follow one spiritual path led out before us is folly. He also said that in order to embrace our own true path we must embrace the moment we pass through, which is the only real truth we ever encounter in our lives.

The world needs a common philosophy, without doctrine, to bring about peace. My logic tells me that this could only be based around the realisation of the indisputable fact that life, the one moment of unity we all occupy and pass through, is an amazing miracle. Don't take that statement as having any relation to religion. I refer to the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, between living and not; to be born out of nothing that we can recall and be presented with an ongoing moment of perception, from within a strange unchosen body, faced with challenges, and questions we may never see answered, as part of an amazing, infinitely varied yet unified world.

It IS a miracle, this moment. How can you willfully depress the miracle of another person's life under that realisation.

This is "The Third Blog Of Trig", signing off.

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